If you purchased or otherwise acquired Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation common stock between February 22, 2016, and June 12, 2020, you may be eligible to claim a portion of a $40 million class action settlement.
Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation has agreed to pay $40,000,000 to settle a class action lawsuit for alleged false statements and omissions of material facts, which allegedly inflated the prices of Cabot common stock.
Who Can Claim an Award?
To be eligible to claim an award, you must be a person or entity who purchased or otherwise acquired Cabot common stock between February 22, 2016, and June 12, 2020, inclusive, and were damaged thereby.
How Much Can Class Members Claim?
The Settlement provides a "Settlement Fund" of $40 million in cash for the benefit of the Class.
The Settlement Fund, after deduction of Court-approved attorneys’ fees and expenses, Notice and Administration Expenses, Taxes, and any other fees or expenses approved by the Court, is the “Net Settlement Fund.”
The Net Settlement Fund will be distributed to eligible Authorized Claimants – i.e., Members of the Class who timely submit valid Proofs of Claim that are accepted for payment by the Court – in accordance with the proposed Plan of Allocation or such other plan of allocation as the Court may approve.
- Recognized Claim Amount: This will be calculated for each purchase or acquisition of Cabot common stock during the Class Period that is listed on the Proof of Claim and for which adequate documentation is provided. If a Recognized Claim Amount calculates to a negative number or zero under the formula, that Recognized Claim Amount will be zero.
- Pro Rata Share: If the sum total of the Recognized Claim Amounts of all Authorized Claimants who are entitled to receive payment out of the Net Settlement Fund is greater than the Net Settlement Fund, each Authorized Claimant shall receive his, her, its, or their pro rata share of the Net Settlement Fund. The pro rata share shall be the Authorized Claimant’s Recognized Claim Amount divided by the total of the Recognized Claim Amounts of all Authorized Claimants, multiplied by the total amount in the Net Settlement Fund.
For example, if the Net Settlement Fund is $30 million and the total Recognized Claim Amounts of all Authorized Claimants is $60 million, each Authorized Claimant will receive 50% of their Recognized Claim Amount.
Is Proof Required to Claim the Reward?
Yes, claimants need to proactively provide proof they are a Class Member. Claimants must submit a Proof of Claim form accompanied by copies of broker confirmations or other documentation of their transactions in Cabot common stock.
- Proof of purchase or acquisition
- Proof of sale
- Proof of position held at the close of trading on February 21, 2016, and September 11, 2020
How to Claim an Award
To claim an award, you must submit a Proof of Claim form. You can file a claim online by visiting the online claim form or by mailing your completed and signed Proof of Claim form, along with the required documentation, to:
Cabot Oil Securities Litigation
Claims Administrator
c/o JND Legal Administration
P.O. Box 91217
Seattle, WA 98111
Ensure your claim is postmarked or received no later than October 16, 2024.
Submitting a Claim
Follow these steps to submit your claim:
- Download or request a Proof of Claim form from the official settlement website.
- Fill out the form completely, providing all requested information.
- Attach copies of broker confirmations or other documentation of your transactions in Cabot common stock.
- Sign the form.
- Submit the form online or mail it to the Claims Administrator at the address provided above.
How do I Get Paid?
Payments will be made to eligible claimants after all claims have been processed, the Court has approved the Settlement, and any appeals have been resolved. Payments will be distributed via check or electronic transfer, depending on the claimant’s preference and the information provided in the Proof of Claim form.
$40,000,000 Settlement Fund
The settlement fund of $40,000,000 will cover various costs and payments, including:
- Attorneys’ fees not to exceed 33-1/3% of the Settlement Amount
- Expenses, costs, and charges in an amount not to exceed $1,750,000
- Notice and Administration Expenses
- Taxes
- Payments to eligible Class Members
If the prorated payment to any Authorized Claimant calculates to less than $10.00, it will not be included in the calculation and no distribution will be made to that Authorized Claimant.
Important Dates
- Exclusion Deadline: October 3, 2024
- Claim Form Deadline: October 16, 2024
- Settlement Hearing: October 24, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.
When is the Cabot Oil Securities Litigation Payout Date?
Payments to eligible claimants will be made after the Court approves the Settlement and all appeals are resolved. This process may take several months, so please be patient.
What Happens Next?
Next steps include submitting your Proof of Claim form by the deadline, attending the Settlement Hearing if you wish to object, and waiting for the Court’s final approval and the resolution of any appeals. Once these steps are completed, payments will be distributed to eligible claimants.