PayrollOrg Data Breach Lawsuit Investigation

Shamis & Gentile P.A., one of the nation's premier class action law firms specializing in data breach cases, is investigating the American Payroll Institute Inc. data breach.
If you were affected by the data breach, your sensitive personally identifiable information may have been exposed, and you may be eligible for compensation.
About American Payroll Institute Inc.
American Payroll Institute Inc., known as PayrollOrg, is a leading non-profit organization in the United States dedicated to payroll education, publications, certification, and training. Since its founding in 1982, PayrollOrg has been committed to enhancing the skills of payroll professionals through comprehensive resources such as conferences, seminars, and a library of texts. With over 20,000 members, PayrollOrg is a respected voice in the industry, advocating for payroll professionals in various legislative environments. The organization is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, and employs approximately 169 people.
What Happened?
In October 2024, American Payroll Institute Inc. experienced a significant data breach. On October 8, 2024, unexpected activity was detected on their systems. An investigation revealed that unauthorized access occurred between September 18 and October 8, 2024. This breach involved an encryption attack on their systems, potentially compromising sensitive information. The types of consumer information exposed include:
- Name of individual
- Address
- Social Security Number Information
- Driver’s License number
- Government-issued ID number (e.g., passport, state ID card)
- Financial Information (e.g., account number, credit or debit card number)
- Date of Birth
The breach affected at least 268 individuals in Texas, and notifications were sent via U.S. Mail.
Your Rights and Next Steps
If you were impacted by this data breach, you have several options to protect yourself and your information. It's crucial to remain vigilant against identity theft and fraud by regularly checking your financial statements and credit reports for any suspicious activity. You can place fraud alerts or security freezes on your credit reports to prevent unauthorized accounts from being opened in your name. Additionally, American Payroll Institute is offering free credit monitoring services through TransUnion Canada, which you should consider enrolling in to further safeguard your information.
You May Be Entitled to Compensation
If your personal information was compromised due to this data breach, you might be entitled to compensation. Lawyers are ready to help you understand your rights and pursue any claims you may have. To explore your options and potentially join a class action lawsuit, complete the form below.
Complete the form below to join the lawsuit and protect your rights.