Southern Orthopedic Associates $660,000 Data Breach Settlement
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If you're among the individuals who received a Notice of Data Breach from Southern Orthopedic Associates (SOA), you may be eligible to benefit from a class action settlement. This settlement is designed to compensate those affected by a Data Incident that SOA experienced around June and July of 2021. During this incident, personal and protected health information, including names and Social Security numbers, was exposed due to a cyberattack. While SOA denies any wrongdoing, they have agreed to a proposed settlement to address the claims brought against them. The settlement includes a $660,000 non-reversionary fund established to provide benefits to the affected parties.

Who Benefits?: Individuals who received a notice regarding the Data Incident from SOA.

How much can I get?: Eligible claimants can receive credit monitoring services for three years and may claim cash reimbursements for Ordinary Losses up to $350 and Extraordinary Losses up to $5,000, subject to a pro rata reduction if the number of valid claims exceeds the available funds.

Important Dates

  • Fairness Hearing: February 13, 2024
  • Deadline to File a Claim: February 28, 2024

Identifying Eligible Class Members

You are considered a Class Member and may be entitled to settlement benefits if you received a notice from SOA about the potential compromise of your personal information due to the Data Incident. The classification of Class Members is based on the receipt of this notice and the involvement of their personal information in the cyberattack. If you are uncertain about your inclusion, you can confirm your status by contacting the settlement administrator.

  • If you were directly affected by the data breach
  • If you received a notice from SOA

There are no stated exclusions for Class Members other than the standard legal exclusions, such as opting out of the settlement.

Exploring the Settlement Awards

Class Members can claim various benefits under the settlement, including credit monitoring services and cash reimbursements for losses related to the Data Incident. The settlement outlines two types of losses: Ordinary and Extraordinary. Ordinary Losses cover out-of-pocket expenses and time lost dealing with the incident, while Extraordinary Losses cover more significant, documented losses due to fraud.

  • Ordinary Losses: Up to $350 for out-of-pocket expenses and lost time
  • Extraordinary Losses: Up to $5,000 for documented fraud-related losses

Services Provided by the Settlement

The settlement offers Class Members the option to enroll in credit monitoring and identity theft protection services provided by Experian IdentityWorks. This service includes $1,000,000 in identity theft insurance.

  • Credit monitoring
  • Identity theft protection
  • Identity theft insurance

Is Proof Required to Claim the Reward?

Yes, claimants must submit valid proof to claim Ordinary and Extraordinary Losses. This includes documentation of out-of-pocket expenses, time lost, and any fraud-related losses directly attributable to the Data Incident.

How to Claim Your Award

To claim your award, you must submit a claim form available on the official settlement website. The form must be filled out accurately and submitted by the deadline of February 28, 2024.

For those claiming Extraordinary Losses, additional documentation supporting the claim of fraud-related losses will be required.

Analyzing the Settlement Amount

The $660,000 settlement fund was established to compensate Class Members for losses related to the Data Incident. This amount will be distributed to valid claimants, with the possibility of pro rata reduction if the total amount of claims exceeds the fund.

The settlement amount was determined through negotiations between the parties, taking into account the estimated damages and the number of affected individuals. Payments will be made after the Court grants final approval and any appeals are resolved.

Understanding the Class Action Settlement

The class action settlement arises from allegations that SOA failed to adequately protect personal information, resulting in a cyberattack. The settlement reflects a compromise between the parties to avoid the uncertainties and expenses of ongoing litigation.

With the settlement now reaching the final approval stage, Class Members must decide whether to participate, object, or exclude themselves from the settlement. The fairness hearing on February 13, 2024, will determine the settlement's final approval.

Settlement Open for Claims
$0 - $5,000
February 28, 2024