FieldTurf Duraspine  $8,375,000 Class Action Settlement
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If you purchased a Duraspine artificial turf field from FieldTurf between 2005 and 2012, you may be eligible to claim compensation from a class action settlement.

FieldTurf has agreed to pay $8,375,000 to settle a class action lawsuit for allegedly marketing and selling defective Duraspine turf fields and failing to inform customers about the defect.

Who Can Claim an Award?

To be eligible for the settlement, you must be a purchaser or owner of a FieldTurf Duraspine turf field sold from 2005 to 2012 in the United States and its territories.

According to the official settlement website, if you received a notice in the mail, FieldTurf’s records indicate that you may be a member of the Settlement Class.

What Relief Does the Settlement Provide?

The settlement offers monetary relief in the form of Cash Payments or Credit Awards.

You may choose between two types of claims for compensation:

  • Tier 1 Claims: Tier 1 Claimants may choose either a Cash Payment of $7,500 or a Credit Award of $50,000. To qualify, you must have complained in writing about the Duraspine fibers before December 1, 2016, or the expiration of your field’s applicable warranty, whichever is earlier. You must submit your written complaints with your Claim Form to be eligible for Tier 1 status.
  • Tier 2 Claims: Tier 2 Claimants may choose either a Cash Payment of $2,000 or a Credit Award of $20,000. Tier 2 Claims are for those who do not meet the requirements of a Tier 1 Claim but are otherwise eligible.

Credit Awards can be applied against the purchase of a new FieldTurf field, FieldTurf-provided maintenance services, and/or FieldTurf-provided non-warranty repairs.

Each field is eligible for only one Cash Payment or Credit Award, and any Credit Award expires after three years from the Effective Date.

Is Proof Required to Claim the Reward?

Yes, proof is required to claim the reward.

  • Tier 1 Claims: you must provide Qualifying Documentation, which includes documents such as emails, letters, or formal complaints reflecting a communication to FieldTurf or an authorized FieldTurf local representative or installer of a fiber-related complaint about your field(s).
  • Tier 2 Claims: no additional documentation is required.

How to Claim Your Award

To claim your award, you must complete, sign, and return the Claim Form included with your Notice.

You can also download a claim form on the official settlement website.

You can submit your Claim Form via mail or email to:

Mailing Address:

FieldTurf Settlement Administrator

P.O. Box 4394

Portland, OR 97208-4394

Submitting a Claim

Follow these steps to submit a claim:

  1. Complete the Claim Form with your information.
  2. If claiming Tier 1 status, attach the required documentation.
  3. Submit the Claim Form via mail or email.

How do I Get Paid?

Payments will be made via physical check, electronic check, or ACH transfer. Checks will be mailed to the address of record, and Credit Awards will be mailed or emailed to each Class Member.

$8,375,000 Settlement Fund

The settlement fund of $8,375,000 will cover:

  • Cash Payments or Credit Awards to eligible Class Members
  • Attorneys’ fees and expenses not to exceed $8,375,000
  • Service awards to Lead Plaintiffs totaling $125,000

Important Dates

  • Deadline to File a Claim: 10/09/2024
  • Fairness Hearing: 11/25/2024

When is the FieldTurf Settlement Payout Date?

Individual payments or credit are expected to be distributed within 90 days of the Effective Date.

Why is There a Class Action Settlement?

The class action lawsuit alleges that FieldTurf marketed and sold Duraspine turf fields that were defective and that FieldTurf knew of the defect but failed to inform customers when selling the product. FieldTurf denies these allegations, and the settlement is a compromise to avoid the uncertainties and expenses of ongoing litigation.

What Happens Next?

If you are eligible, submit your Claim Form by the deadline. The Court will hold a Fairness Hearing to decide whether to approve the settlement. If approved, payments will be distributed within 90 days of the Effective Date.

Settlement Open for Claims
$2,000 - $50,000
October 9, 2024