Data Breach

JD Russell Data Breach Investigation

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Shamis & Gentile P.A., one of the nation's premier class action law firms specializing in data breach cases, is investigating the The JD Russell Company data breach. If you were affected by the data breach, your sensitive personally identifiable information may have been exposed, and you may be eligible for compensation.

About The JD Russell Company

The JD Russell Company, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, is a prominent global investment solutions firm known for its comprehensive range of investment capabilities. Serving institutional investors, financial intermediaries, and individual investors across 32 countries, Russell Investments manages assets worth $288.3 billion as of March 31, 2023. With a legacy spanning 87 years, the firm employs 1,605 professionals and operates offices globally, including major financial hubs like New York, London, and Tokyo.

What Happened?

On April 23, 2024, The JD Russell Company disclosed a significant data breach that compromised the personal information of many of its clients. The breach was disclosed to the Texas Attorney General's office and affected at least 684 individuals in Texas alone. The types of consumer information exposed include:

  • Name of individual
  • Address
  • Social Security Number Information
  • Driver’s License number
  • Medical Information
  • Health Insurance Information
  • Date of Birth

Your Rights and Next Steps

If your information was compromised in this breach, it's crucial to take immediate action to protect your identity and personal data. Start by monitoring your credit reports and financial accounts for any unusual activity. Consider placing a fraud alert on your credit files and explore the option of a credit freeze. It's also advisable to change passwords and security questions for your online accounts, especially if you used similar credentials across multiple sites.

You May Be Entitled to Compensation

If you've been affected by the JD Russell Company data breach, you may have legal rights that could entitle you to compensation. Lawyers are ready to help you understand your rights and guide you through the process of securing the compensation you deserve. Don't miss the opportunity to hold those responsible accountable. Please fill out the form below to join a lawsuit and potentially receive compensation for any damages caused by this breach.


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