Frontier Airlines Faces Lawsuit Over Worthless Vouchers, Seeks Damages

Jerome Andries, Esq.
Reporter and Licensed Attorney
September 21, 2023 2:21 PM
September 21, 2023
Frontier Airlines Faces Lawsuit Over Worthless Vouchers, Seeks Damages

On a chilly November day in 2022, William Marvin Klaes, a regular traveler, booked a flight with Frontier Airlines, a Denver-based low-cost carrier. Little did he know that his travel plans would soon turn into a legal battle.

Klaes' flight was canceled by Frontier, an unfortunate but not uncommon occurrence in the travel industry. Instead of receiving a cash refund, Klaes was given a voucher by the airline, a practice that is common among airlines when dealing with cancellations. This voucher, Frontier Airlines assured him, was a 'viable refund' and promised reduced rates for future flights.

However, when Klaes tried to use his voucher, he found it to be inoperable. He was not alone. Many other Frontier customers found themselves in the same predicament. The vouchers, they discovered, had expired without any prior disclosure from the airline. Efforts to use the vouchers were met with resistance, and customers were left with worthless pieces of paper instead of the promised reduced rates.

This led Klaes to file a lawsuit on September 18, 2023, not just on his own behalf but also representing all others who had been similarly affected. The lawsuit alleges that Frontier Airlines engaged in fraudulent behavior, including overcharging passengers for bag fees and providing inoperable vouchers.

The lawsuit brings several claims against Frontier Airlines, including negligent misrepresentation, unjust enrichment, breach of express and implied warranties, breach of contract, and fraud. These claims are based on various laws and legal theories, including fraud, false marketing, false advertising, breach of contract, unjust enrichment, and breach of warranty.

The theory of negligent misrepresentation, for instance, holds that a party can be held liable if they make false statements that others rely upon to their detriment. In this case, the lawsuit alleges that Frontier Airlines made false statements about the viability of the vouchers, leading customers like Klaes to believe they could use them for future flights.

Similarly, the claim of unjust enrichment argues that Frontier Airlines unjustly benefited from providing customers with worthless vouchers instead of cash refunds. The breach of contract claim, on the other hand, is based on the idea that Frontier Airlines failed to fulfill its contractual obligations when it provided inoperable vouchers.

The lawsuit seeks various forms of damages, including actual damages for the loss of purchase price and missed travel opportunities, restitution of funds acquired through unlawful practices, and disgorgement of ill-gotten benefits received by Frontier Airlines. It also seeks attorneys' fees and costs, as well as declaratory and injunctive relief.

This isn't the first time Frontier Airlines has faced legal troubles. The airline has a history of fraudulent behavior, including overcharging passengers for bag fees. The lawsuit seeks to hold Frontier Airlines accountable for its alleged deceptive practices, and to ensure that other travelers do not find themselves in the same situation as Klaes and the other class members.

The case serves as a reminder of the importance of consumer rights and the need for companies to be transparent and honest in their dealings with customers. As the lawsuit progresses, it will be interesting to see how Frontier Airlines responds to these serious allegations.

Case number
Frontier Airlines, Inc.
Date Filed
September 18, 2023
U.S. District Courts
Colorado District
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